Former Bristol Councillor Hibaq Jama Joins Team
We are thrilled to announce that Hibaq Jama has joined Arc's leadership team.
Hibaq represented Lawrence Hill Ward as Councillor for 11 years, holding the post of International Trade & Investment Ambassador for Bristol City Council from 2016 - 2024.
She will leverage her fabulous bond with Bristol’s diverse populations to embed Arc fully into the city ... and way beyond. In her role as Trade & Investment Ambassador, Hibaq delivered lectures at international conferences on issues from migration, urbanisation, smart cities and security in cities such as Taipei, Berlin, Geneva, Tbilisi and London.
Having brokered relationships with national and international investors on behalf of the City of Bristol, Hibaq will pivot her expertise and her outstanding commitment to getting Arc off the ground to broker relationships with investors on behalf of Arc.
Hibaq threw her weight behind supporting Arc during the planning negotiations, recognising that Arc has the potential to draw people from minority communities into the city centre. She believes that “there is a social as well as physical distinction in flying: some in Bristol don’t own a passport let alone have flown. So a moment of awe being transported above the city will leave an indelible imprint on their self-confidence.”